Thursday, July 10, 2008

assignment number 222 (okay, just #2)

hi. sorry for the delays... here are some polaroids!! sans Kelly's (whose is sitting on my desk at home and will have to make it's grand appearance later.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

#2: snail mail


we have all been very good at waiting- and the time has come. assignment number two from johnny in boston;


from the man in the moon to the shroud of Christ; folks have seen faces in inanimate objects since the dawn of time. the next assignment if to take a polaroid of a face you find hidden on your walk to work, a stroll through the park or while you ghost ride the whip.

mail polaroids to taelor and i'll post 'em here and send them out to boston.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

round #1

something unexpected on the telephone lines

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


i wish i was postings tidings of joy. well, i am. for 5 of you! the first round of polaroids is going slow!! perhaps we just need a little warm up. i'll wait a bit longer- to see who sends some and then the rest of 'em we'll just leave in the dust... we may be a close knitted group of exchangers here. people say so much.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

assigment #1 will be posted on dis blog as soon as
i have them!
and round #2 will start in another week.....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

assignment #one

the first assignment went out today- you should recieve it in the mail shortly! i'll get organized with the rest of yas and figure out when everyone gives an assignment. more soon.

get yo cameras ready!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


alright. this is a calling for participants! a small group will be formed of willing and courageous Polaroid photograph takers. we will each take turns creating an assignment and posting it on the blog (i.e. photo of your favorite building, photo of inside the fridge, photo of the coldest thing you can think of, photo of your favorite thing starting with the letter Q....the smelliest person on the subway....anything.) then everyone in the group will complete the assignment and snail mail the Polaroid to the assignment-giver.

when it is your turn to be the assignment-giver you are actually curating a small collection of Polaroids for yourself- which will also get posted on the blog so we all can see 'em. (plus you'll get some sweet mail too...!)

sound good? just tell me you are in and once there are a few folks gathered we can, take some. send some. and get some!