Tuesday, March 18, 2008


i wish i was postings tidings of joy. well, i am. for 5 of you! the first round of polaroids is going slow!! perhaps we just need a little warm up. i'll wait a bit longer- to see who sends some and then the rest of 'em we'll just leave in the dust... we may be a close knitted group of exchangers here. people say so much.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

assigment #1 will be posted on dis blog as soon as
i have them!
and round #2 will start in another week.....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

assignment #one

the first assignment went out today- you should recieve it in the mail shortly! i'll get organized with the rest of yas and figure out when everyone gives an assignment. more soon.

get yo cameras ready!!